Icon will disable "Comment" opportunities next week - all comments will become "Letters to the Editor"
Icon viewers:
Next week, The Icon will disable its "Comment" option on its stories for the time being. Viewers are welcome to make comments by emailing them to:
All e-mailed comments will be posted under "Letters." All letters must be signed by the writer. The Icon will also post the writer's hometown. When a hometown is not provided, The Icon will insert (hometown not provided by the writer) under the writer's name.
The Icon reserves the right to limit the number of letters posted by indiviual readers to one letter per story. This policy is very similar to many newspaper letter to the editor policies.
While the Icon appreciates comments, out of common courtsey, we ask letter writers to identify themselves and limit comments to one per story.
Thanks for understanding!
Fred Steiner
Bluffton Icon