Look who's in the dunk tank on Saturday


1:30-2:30 CORY HUBER ("BHS 2010 graduate and nuisance")

3:00 Justin Crawfis (librarian~ Bluffton Public Library)

3:30 DAVID UTRUP (Bluffton's Comfort Inn)

4-5 Derek Hickey and Dylan Alt (Bluffton HS students)

5:00 DAVE SYCKS (Bluffton School's band teacher 4th grade-HS)

5:30 Dennis Gallant (Bluffton HS '91, attends St. John Mennonite, Rea & Associates in Lima)

6:00 BRANDY ALLER (Bluffton High School Student)and/or MARANDA MILLER (BFR employee, runs Tiny Tots; Pandora Cheerleading advisor)

6:30 Randy Keeler (Bluffton University professor, cancer survivor, team member)

7:00 GORDON SHIVELY (High School counselor)

7:30 Mr. Alex Hanna (HS teacher)

8:00 MISS ASHLEY BLAIR (HS English teacher, Soph. class advisor, cross country coach)