Can't say enough good about the staff and facilities of Blanchard Valley Hospital

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This is just a note of praise for Blanchard Valley Hospital. I'm amazed that some people go off to some "big city" for surgery and/or treatment, when we have the very best right here in Bluffton and Findlay, at the Blanchard Valley Hospital association.

I have just finished going through cardiac rehabilitation at BVH, and I can't say enough good about the staff and facilities right here in Findlay.

Two years ago I had bypass surgery and was amazed at the skills of Dr. Parentau and his staff, the care I received in the cardiac department at BVH, and the follow-up with Dr. Meyer and the good people at Rehab at BVH. After having a very recent stent insertion, I again went through Rehab, and received the same excellent care from the staff of very qualified and caring Rehab nurses again.

I wish I could name them, each one, but please just let this word of thanks be for them all. If (when) I have future needs for excellent physical health care, it will be right here in Bluffton and Findlay, starting with my own excellent family physician, Dr. Darin Cheney, and following through with the wonderful facilities of B.V.H.

Thanks again.

Pastor Bob Wood
