Bluffton Christians worship together on Sunday

Bluffton Christians will worship together as a community body on Sunday morning as they have for the past several years. A community worship service, planned by the Bluffton Area Ministerial Association, will be held at 9 a.m., Sunday, Aug. 1, on the Bluffton Presbyterian Church lawn.

The order of service follows:


Call to worship - Renee Caskie

Hymn - "When morning gilds the skies"

Prayer - Mark NeddeauMusical offering - youth from
Community VBS Sherry Stratton, director
Julie Rummel, Erin Burkholder, assistants

Time with children - special guest Archeologist "Ohio" Bob

Musical offering - Brass ensemble
Jackson Bush, David Hooley, Don Hooley, Matthew Suderman

Scripture (Micah 6:6-8) - Mark Neddeau

Message "And Who Is My Neighbor: A Dramatic Presentation in Two Parts" Participants from area churches

Hymn - "We Are Called"

Offering - Assists the Bluffton Community Assistance Program
(weekly offerings for individual churches may be placed in baskets on the table by bread and fruit after the service.)

Offertory - Brass Ensemble

Prayer - Louise Wideman

Hymn - "Be Thou My Vision"

Benediction - Bill Herr


Members of the Bluffton Area Ministerial Association (BAMA) follow:

Bluffton University - Stephen "Tig" Intagliata, campus pastor
Jeff Boehr, assistant campus pastor

Bluffton Presbyterian Church - Lewis Vander Naald, pastor

First United Methodist Church - Ryan Grace, pastor

English Lutheran Church - Kevin Mohr, pastor

Emmanuel United Church of Christ - Eric Rummel, pastor

First Mennonite Church - Steven Yoder, pastor
Louise Wideman, associate pastor

Mennonite Memorial Home - Bill Herr, chaplain

Shepherd's Flock Apostolic Pentecostal Church - Mark S. Neddeau, pastor

St. John's United Church of Christ

St. Mary's Catholic Church - Sister Carol Inkrott, pastoral leader

Trinity United Methodist Church - John Foster, pastor

Thanks to the following persons assisting in the service:

Stairs built by Robert Flick

Wagon - Phil Kingsley

Chairs and tables - Presbyterian Church

Sound system - English Lutheran Church

Sound system operator - Dan Gray, Dave Sycks

Videotape operator - Bill Herr

Hymn accompaniment - English Lutheran Praise Team

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