Cemeteries, sewers, subdivisions on Monday's council agenda

Monday’s Bluffton council meeting includes topics ranging from:
• Shannon Cemetery,
• Maple Grove Cemetery,
• a proposal to provide funding to the Sportsmen’s Club to purchase tables and other items,
• plus an update on the west side sewer interceptor.

In addition, council will hear a report and will take action involving a proposed change in the Parkview subdivision, currently being developed. Bluffton Planning Commission met March 15. The meeting was to consider the proposal requested by the subdivision developer.

It is noted in the council packet that the Bluffton Lions Foundation board has approved $4,190 to advance the Bentley Road Pathway project.

The money will reimburse the village on behalf of the pathway board. The village requested a field survey and flood plain analysis along Bentley. Choice One Engineering will complete these projects.

Several of the items on Monday’s agenda are covered more extensively in the council packet attached to this story.




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Monday, February 17, 2025