Is there a Swiss ancestor in your family tree?

Q: What do these names have in common?

Augsburger, Amstutz, Basinger, Bixel, Burkholder, Criblez, Deppler, Diller, Geiger, Gratz, Habegger, Hauenstein, Herr, Hilty, Hostetler, Huber, Kohli, Leiber, Luginbuhl, Luginbill, Lugibihl, Lugibill, Lehman, Matter, Motter, Moser, Neuenschwander, Niswander, Oberly, Probst, Reichenbach, Schmutz, Schumacher, Stauffer, Steiner, Suter, Welty, Zimmerly, Zimmerman, Zuercher.

Did we miss someone?

A: There's a Swiss ancestor in your family tree.

The Swiss Community Historical Society’s annual Swiss Day is Sunday, June 25, according to Gary Wetherill, president of the society.

This year’s event includes:
• 12:30 p.m. potluck at Ebenezer Mennonite Church
• 2:30 p.m. program – “Letters from the Swiss Settlement 1840-1860.”
• Following the program – Schumacher homestead open house

Homestead open on Saturdays
Each Saturday this summer the Bluffton Pandora Swiss Community Historical Society will be open its Schumacher Homestead from 1 to 5 p.m. for self-guided or docent led tours.

Visitors will be able to tour the house, garden, summer kitchen, and workshop. 

In addition, the barn will be open on the last Saturday of each of the three months. Public admission to the Homestead is $5 per person; however, current members of the Society and children 16 and under are admitted free.

“We’re excited about this new, expanded opportunity for people to experience all that the Homestead has to offer,” said Wetherill.

"Visitors can plan a leisurely afternoon at the Homestead. Along with the tours, a picnic table or one of the porches is available to enjoy a snack or a picnic lunch.

“Benches and chairs on the porches make wonderful places to read with a beautiful view of Riley Creek.  Fishing in the creek is usually pretty good too,” Wetherill added.

The Schumacher Homestead is located at 8350 Bixel Road, Bluffton. 

CLICK HERE for the society's Facebook.

The Swiss society’s board of directors are:
Gary Wetherill, president
Judith Kingsley, vice-president
Todd Rainey, secretary
Willis Sommer, treasurer
Keith Sommer, curator
Jeff Althaus
Beth Bixel
Dale Bridenbaugh
Marvin Diller
Rachael Hermiller
Kaye Phillips
Ron Lora
Joanne Niswander

Memberships are $30 annually, $100 annual sustaining and $1,000 life member.