Amy Byers returns to BFR as sports coordinator

Amy Byers is no stranger to Bluffton Family Recreation.

The 2009 Bluffton University Health, PE and Recreation graduate, previously served as BFR’s sports coordinator, was a member of BFR’s board, and as a university student, worked the BFR front desk.

Upon the recent resignation of Joseph Beagle, BFR director, the BFR board approached Byers to return as its sports coordinator. She accepted and her first day on the job was Monday.

Byers, currently working on her CPR re-certification, will organize leagues, programs, promote BFR and work on building class enrollment, according to Amy Blackburn, BFR board president.

“It’s wonderful to have Amy back with us,” said Blackburn. “She is very engaged with our program and is excited about all the possibilities.”

As an interesting footnote, Byers started BFR’s flag football program, which will start again this fall.

BFR members will find Byers in the building Mondays through Fridays.

From a sports interest level, Byers played soccer in high school and at Bluffton University.

“I played outside mid-field,” she said, adding, “at Loudonville High School there was no girls’ soccer team, so I broke the barrier and played on the boys’ team.”

“Matt Gillette, current sports coordinator, will continue as sports coordinator to assist in the transition until he returns to his teaching and coaching responsibilities at Bath High School as Amy Byers steps in,” said Blackburn.  “Matt’s expertise and hard work have been appreciated during his time with BFR.”

For the past three years, Byers was a Bluffton University alumni office engagement associates.

Amy and her husband, Jared, are parents of Ellery, 2 ½ years old.  Jared, intervention specialist for fifth through 10th graders in Bluffton schools, is also the BHS girls’ varsity soccer coach and is an assistant junior high girls’ basketball coach. Jared is a BHS grad and also a graduate of Bluffton University.

“Our daughter thinks she is a member of the high school girls’ soccer team,” laughed Byers, has she explained her families ties to sports competition.

Bluffton Family Recreation is located at 215 Snider Road, Bluffton. Click here for its website.

The BFR board includes Amy Blackburn, president; Randy Keeler, vice president; Dan Settlage, treasurer; Nancy Yeager, secretary; Janette Reineke, Jenny Pilarowski, Seth Combs, Dr. Matt Ellerbrock, Joe Durling and Sabrina Longworth.






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