Climate change has little to do with belief

Whether you believe in climate change or not does not really matter much despite the conventional thinking. The warming of the Earth's temperature is increasing regardless of what anyone mentally believes. The polar ice caps are melting into extinction without the support or non-support of American public opinion polls. Nature in its most expressive and basic form does not listen to our opinions, wishes, or beliefs. It simply does what it does without regard to our politics.

In the long forgotten days of Ancient Athens, humans often were portrayed with a certain amount of hubris and doubt in the face of natural weather. It was given over to fate to decide the outcome of a storm or drought. But today in our overly scientific and rationalist society it seems we lack the capacity for non-belief or doubt. It isn't a question of doubting the truth of climate change or the facts but that we can realistically do anything to stop it from happening. That is perhaps the key to understanding the global quagmire we find ourselves in.

To do nothing would be politically scandalous but perhaps nothing can be done is the true choice. In that sense, we shall once again become like the Greeks, leaving the Earth's fragile eco-system in the hands of hubris and fate. Maybe we are not meant to live on as a species. Our track record so far has been stunningly destructive at times and increasingly superficial. We have had our shining moments for sure but this has done little to increase our understanding of the complex and myriad systems that control and effect the Earth's health.

We can do all the believing in the world yet nature's ear is and has always been, operating beyond the wishes of human desires.

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