Thursday book release celebration

A book release celebration for “Education with the Grain of the Universe: A Peaceable Vision for the Future of Mennonite Schools, Colleges, and Universities” will take place at 4 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 2, in the Musselman Library Reading Room.
Edited by Dr. J. Denny Weaver, professor emeritus of religion at Bluffton, the book features how 18 contributors shape philosophies of Mennonite higher education as they explore intersections of educational theories and practices with Anabaptism, Mennonite thought and peacemaking.
Along with Weaver, contributing Bluffton faculty include: Dr. Gerald Mast, Dr. Angela Montel, Dr. Zachary Walton and Jackie Wyse-Rhodes. The cover features an art piece of the late Gregg Luginbuhl, professor emeritus of art.

The book develops the assumption that the story of Jesus as found in the Bible displays the peaceable grain of the universe. Working from this assumption that Jesus’ life and teachings reflect the deepest truth about the cosmos, the book demonstrates how this peaceable grain of the universe can be visible in any discipline of the academic curriculum or in its application to the life of the church or to practical problems in human societies.

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