Uptick in police calls for service in 2017
Bluffton police experienced a 1,350 increase in the number of calls for service from 2016 to 2017, according to Ryan Burkholder, police chief.
Those calls numbered 4,278 in 2016 and jumped to 5,528 in 2017.
Five attachments compare 2016 stats by month to 2017 stats by month. Some of the comparison include:
18 breaking and entering (2017)
17 breaking and enterings (2016)
463 vehicle investigations (2017)
401 vehicle investigations (2016)
279 house checks (2017)
145 house checks (2016)
242 traffic citations (2017)
170 traffic citations (2016)
1,137 traffic warnings (2017)
488 traffic warnings (2016)
39 theft reports (2017)
103 theft reprots (2016)
14 hit-skip reports (2017)
13 hit-skip reports (2016)
1,075 building checks (2017)
533 building checks (2016)
3 shots fired (2017)
3 shots fired (2016)