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Second annual flower show held during Fall Festival

Mennonite Memorial Home is sponsoring a flower show on Saturday, Sept 25.

"If you have a green thumb, enjoy growing flowers, or want to try your hand at an arrangement, you can enter for a chance to win cash prizes," said Julie Stratton of the Home.

To participate in the arrangement category, go to any Town and Country Flowers to register and pick up the official flower bouquet that must be incorporated in your design/arrangement. A fee of $15 covers your flowers and registration fee.

You must use the flowers from Town and Country, but may add or incorporate any other flowers, artifacts, or figurines into your design.

The theme for this year is "Peace on Earth." Arrangements must portray this theme in some way and a religious symbol may be incorporated. B

The arrangement/design may not be more than 36 inches tall and 24 inches wide and must be able to set on a table. Cash prizes will be awarded for best designs. During that day the public can vote on their favorite design. That person will win the "People's Choice Award" of $15.

The Scorecard for judging Flower Designs:
Traditional Designs Creative Designs
Design 25 Conformance to Schedule 15
Color Combination 25 Principles of Design 30
Suitability, interpretation expressiveness 20 Creativity 25
Distinction and Originality 20 Expression 20
Condition 20 Distinction 10
Total 100 Total 100

Traditional Designs are an art form IN space; creative designs are an art form OF space, with solids and space becoming one. Both classes follow the basic principle of design.

To enter in the specimens and plants category, entries will be taken in nine divisions. Hybrid Teas Roses, Floribunda, Glandifloral Roses, Climbing Shrub Roses, Miniature Roses, Annuals, Perennials, Biannual, Hosta leaves, and container grown plants (containers can be no larger than 24"). Cash prizes will be awarded for the best in each category, and overall winner.

Bring your entries to the Mennonite Memorial Home, 410 W. Elm St., and Bluffton, on Sat., Sept. 25th. Floral will be received from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Judging will be at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday morning with awards being given out immediately after.

The public is welcome to attend. This contest is open to amateurs or professionals of any age. The entries may be viewed in the Mennonite Home Chapel on Sat., Sept. 25th during the Fall Festival. For more information visit Town and Country Florists or call Bessie Bassitt at The Mennonite Home at 419-358-1015.
