Gregg Luginbuhl art on exhibit in Ft. Wayne and Perrysburg

Gregg Luginbuhl^aEURTMs ^aEURoeRustic Decanter XII^aEUR

Two ceramic works in Bluffton artist Gregg Luginbuhl's "Rustic Decanter" series are on exhibit at the Fort Wayne (Ind.) Museum of Art, while two others in the series are on display at Owens Community College in Perrysburg, Ohio.

"Rustic Decanter XI," a stoneware fuel-can form, and "Rustic Decanter XII," a porcelain work with a rusty surface, are part of the 2010 Contemporary Realism Biennial, a national, juried show that opened recently at the Fort Wayne museum.

Luginbuhl, a professor and chair of the Bluffton University art department, is among 113 artists from 26 states featured in the exhibition. The paintings, drawings and sculptures represent traditional concepts of realism, as well as challenging and unconventional notions and depictions. An extensive color catalog accompanies the exhibition, which continues through Nov. 7.

"The Best of 2010" is the Owens show that includes two of Luginbuhl's decanters. The college's Walter E. Terhune Gallery is the third stop for the traveling, juried exhibition, which is sponsored annually by Ohio Designer Craftsmen and closes at Owens on Sept. 25.

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