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Letter: invitation to meet Connie Miller here Oct. 21

Dear Bluffton ICON,
Many of you know Connie Miller (, or have been hearing her name this election season.

Connie has agreed to come to Bluffton and we are hosting her at an event at the Bluffton Town Hall on Thursday, October 21 at 7:00 pm.

We have asked Connie to give a campaign speech explaining her position on local and state issues. Following that will be time for questions and an informal meet and greet with some live music and refreshments. We would be honored if you could come.

Some of Connie's biggest concerns are "jobs! jobs! jobs!" and she has ideas to share regarding this vital challenge our society is facing. One of the reasons we are personally supporting her is her good work with the Lima Allen County Neighborhoods in Partnership (LACNIP) to start the LACNIP Community Gardens.

In our opinion, this is the kind of activity that can turn our inner-cities around.

Come hear what else Connie brings to the table and what her top priorities are in the pressing issues that face Ohio in the coming years.

The event is sponsored in part by the Young Democrats of Bluffton University.

Wendy Chappell-Dick

Perry Bush
