Kindergarten registration for 2020-21 underway

Bluffton schools remind parents of next year's Kindergarteners that it is time to register those students.

Here's the details from the elementary newsletter:

It’s time to think about Kindergarten for the 2020-2021 school year.  Any child who will be 5 by Aug. 1, 2020, is eligible to enroll. 

In order to develop a kindergarten mailing list, contact the elementary office at 419-358-7951. 

The school needs the following: 
child’s name 
birth date 
parents’ names 
phone number 

Parents may send the information via email to [email protected].  All children are required to have their immunizations before starting school. The Allen County Health Department provides immunizations but appointments must be made. 

Itd website is: Kindergarten packets will be mailed home, to students on the mailing list, at the end of February.