Saturday is a parade-watcher's dream
It will be a Bluffton parade-watcher's dream on Saturday.
This year's Blaze of Lights parade on Saturday, Nov. 28, will be one of the largest ever to travel Bluffton's Main Street, according to Junior Weihrauch, parade chairperson.
Over 60 are registered. That translates to a 40+ minute parade.
The parade starts right after a 4:55 p.m. Main Street streetscape ribbon cutting in front of the town hall. The parade forms at 4 p.m. at The Centre, 601 N. Main St. The parade route is from the Centre south on Main Street, through the business district. It disbands at College Avenue.
Here's who you'll see in the parade:
o Grand marshals and spouses: Greg Conkling and his wife, Edna; Sam Diller and his wife, Joan; Carlin Carpenter and his wife, Sharon
o Reams light switcher: Fred Steiner and his wife, Mary
Marching units
o Bluffton High School marching band
o Main Attraction baton corp, Kenton
o BW Twirlers baton corp, Vanlue and Carey
o Dancers Elite troop, Bluffton
o Shelby County 20-unit horse and riding troup
o Bluffton University president Dr. James Harder and his wife, Dr. Karen Harder
o Citizens National Bank
o Trinity Lutheran School and Church, Jenera
o Arby's Twin Lakes Campground
o Trinity United Methodist Church
o Bluffton Lions Club
o Ebenezer Mennonite Church
o Bluffton Family Recreation
o Relay for Life
o Cub Scout Pack 256
o Bluffton Girl Scouts
o English Lutheran Church
o Masterpiece Signs and Graphics
o First National Bank
o Chase
o Greg's Pharmacy
o Bluffton Public Library
o Beaverdam Church of Christ
o Colonial Surface Solutions
o Special units
o Bluffton American Legion color guard
o Bluffton police chief
o Richland Manor bus
o Bluffton Senior Citizens bus
o Maple Crest and Mennonite Memorial Home bus
o Relay for Life seniors
o Royal Carriages
o Flag City Classic Car Club
o Natalie Harrviett riding horse group
o Fusion Student Ministers Church van
o Hippy's Body Shop classic cars, Pandora
o WKXA Rollin' Radio, Findlay
Fire Departments
o Jenera
o Rawson
o Mt. Cory
o Beaverdam-Richland Township
o Ada
o Bluffton
o Bluffton EMS
Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus