Findlay author with Bluffton ties has humorous view of growing up in the '50s and '60s

By Paula Scott

If you met author Barbara Lockard during the years she worked in Bluffton for Mennonite Home Communities of Ohio, you might not even know that she is a writer. You might not know that she is wickedly funny–and I don’t mean that in a Halloween sense.

But you will have your chance if you come to hear Lockard and her sister Karen Striet at noon on Tuesday, October 25 at the Bluffton Public Library. A resident of Findlay, Lockard spent the first year of the COVID andemic writing on her blog, “Old and Slow and Turning White.” I’ve laughed aloud many, many times at the memories–often fond and always cynical–that Lockard writes about.

She has since turned her installments into two books. The library explains that her blog “met with favorable response among her Findlay friends and those she grew up with in Cincinnati, so she collected the most popular posts into a 117-page book titled, ‘Chapel Veils, Cough Drops & Queen for a Day,’ and her newest book, ‘Mister Softee, Miss Revlon and Captain Kangaroo,’ both available on Amazon."

Registration for Coming of Age in the 1950s and 60s (R) has a deadline of October 21. Attendees are welcome to bring lunches to this noon-hour event.

Stop in or call the library at (419) 358-5016 to register.

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