Bluffton Lions Club December newsletter

The Bluffton Lions Club has shared its December newsletter, attached.

The club reports that approximately 80 persons enjoyed the Lion’s meal on December 1 at the Bluffton Senior Center with $192 collected for the Food Bank.

Homemade bread was baked by Lion John Rich. Lions participating: John Rich, chairman; Tracy Steele; Gene Long; Corwin Croy; Bill Watkins; Jesse Blackburn; Gary Graham; Jan Emmert; Clair Winebar.


January 10: Board meeting at the Elementary School library 6:00 p.m.

January 13-15 : Winter Retreat at Deer Creek State Park.

January 17 : Club meeting at Town Hall noon. Speaker will be David Stratton, president of the Allen Economic Development Group. 2nd Vice District Governor Sue Davis to visit. Start the new 50/50 charity raffle.


2022-2023 Officers & Board Members are:

President - Jim Bemiller

Vice President - John Rich

Vice President - Gene Long

Vice President - Greg Denecker

Secretary - Barbara Plaugher

Treasurer - Clair Winebar

Lion Tamer - Corwin Croy

Tail Twister - Dennis Morrison

Board Members: 1 yr - Jerry Szabo; 1 yr - Eugene McCall: 2 yr - Tracy Steele; 2 yr - John Hochstetler

Editor - Barbara Plaugher


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