Upcoming Bluffton Lions activities

The Bluffton Lions met on Wednesday, May 22 and announced the following calendar of club activites in June 2024:

June 4: Club to meet for service and pizza at the VOSH Pandora Sorting Center at 6:00 p.m. Located at the First Methodist Church basement. Scholarship winners to
June 11: Board meeting at 6 p.m. at Bluffton Town Hall followed by preparations for the Festival of Wheels.
June 14: Festival of Wheels. Contact Lion Ed Yeager to help 1-5 p.m.
June 18: Club meeting at noon, Town Hall. Scholarship winners to attend. 50/50 charity raffle. Installation of Officers and Induction of New Members by DGE Sue Davis. Lunch available, provided by Lion Greg Averesch.

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