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Kansas pastor returns to Bluffton University

Katherine Goerzen has always loved youth and serving. In fact, her call to ministry came when she was still in high school.

"I was really active in youth group when my youth pastor asked me to lead worship," Goerzen said. "I found out later on he saw a drive for ministry in me."

That drive has led the 2006 graduate of Canadian Mennonite University to her current position as associate pastor of Grace Hill Mennonite Church, a Whitewater, Kan., church where her husband Peter is pastor. She visited Bluffton University Feb. 22-24 as part of its Minister in Residence program.

The visit was Goerzen's fourth to Bluffton, where her sister, Jennifer Krehbiel, is a senior and a resident advisor in Ramseyer Hall. Staying there while on campus, Goerzen sat in on several classes and was the speaker at the Feb. 24 chapel service.

"I like the strong classes and teachers, as well as the gorgeous campus," she said. "I'm very impressed with Bluffton's faculty."

Back home, many members of her congregation are alumni of Mennonite institutions, and she hopes many of her high school students will think about applying to one as well. "We have a Bluffton University sign hanging on our wall among other Mennonite colleges," Goerzen said. She also advertises upcoming events, such as Bluffton's admissions recruiting events, to the church's youth group, she said.

Her advice for youth ministry majors at Bluffton was to keep things simple and not to be nervous. "Treat students seriously and keep it real," she advised, also noting the importance of forming relationships. "It's not nearly as intimidating as you might think."