Bluffton 150-year celebration - 54,750 days in the making
It only happens once in the lifetime of a community: a one-hundred and fifty year celebration. Put another way, it's a celebration of over 54,750 days of small-town living.
Bluffton sesquicentennial committee, headed by Beverly Amstutz, has been very hard at work for over one year. The committee recently revealed a daily schedule of plans for Bluffton's 150th celebration.
The event runs Friday, June 24, through Saturday, July 2. Activities touching nearly every aspect of village life is part of the celebration. The Icon will continue to provide updates on the events are more things are planned.
Here's an outline of what's in store:
Friday, June 24
2 p.m.
o Festival of Wheels car show registration
All day
o Bluffton University display
at Bluffton Public Library
o Garden Club, middle school
o Bluffton University art display
at Sauder Visual Arts Center
o Relay for Life
at Salzman Stadium, Bluffton University
o Bluffton-Pandora Rotary Club
Freedom Fest' fireworks
at Salzman Stadium, Bluffton University
Saturday, June 25
o Garden Club,
at middle school
All day
o Bluffton University display
at Bluffton Public Library
o Boy Scout Indian village
at Buckeye Park
o Bluffton University display
at Bluffton Public Library
o Bake sale at Senior Citizens Center
Events at town hall
11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Guest speakers
1:15 p.m.
o John Dillinger bank robbery re-enactment
(on location at Cherry and Main)
2 p.m.
Town hall
Miss Sesquicentennial review
3 p.m.
7 to 10 p.m.
o Historical ball at The Centre
Tickets on sale May 1
Sunday, June 26
All day
o Bluffton University display
at Sauder Visual Arts Center
o Boy Scout Indian village
at Buckeye Park
9 a.m.
o Community church services
Presbyterian church lawn
1 p.m.
Old Settlers potluck and meeting
at Ebenezer Mennonite Church
4 p.m.
Swiss Homestead open house
Bixel road
o Bridenbaugh county school
open house
Monday, June 27
All day
o Bluffton University display
at Bluffton Public Library
o Bluffton University art display
at Sauder Visual Arts Center
1 p.m.
Anne Stratton, speaker
at town hall
2:15 p.m.
o Weaving demonstration,
at Senior Citizens Center
o Women invited to participate
in town hall lectures, talks
7-9 p.m.
o Movie, town hall
Tuesday, June 28
All day
o Bluffton University display
at Bluffton Public Library
o Bluffton University art display
at Sauder Visual Arts Center
1 p.m.
o Crochet demonstration
at Senior Citizens Center
2 p.m.
o Darrell Groman, lecture
on Captain Riley, town hall
3 p.m.
o Dennis Morrison, lecture
on artifacts of Bluffton
7 p.m.
o John Carnes, lecture
Allen County Museum
town hall
Wednesday, June 29
All day
o Bluffton University display
at Bluffton Public Library
o Bluffton University art display
at Sauder Visual Arts Center
1 p.m.
o Quilting bee
at Senior Citizen Center
2 p.m.
o Darrell Groman, lecture
on Captain Riley, town hall
3 p.m.
o John Carnes, lecture
Allen County Museum
town hall
o Dennis Morrison, lecture
on artifacts of Bluffton
7 p.m.
o David Sycks, Alumni band
Bluffton Barberettes and others
performing on Presbyterian lawn
Thursday, June 30
All day
o Bluffton University display
at Bluffton Public Library
o Bluffton University art display
at Sauder Visual Arts Center
10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
o Children's activities
at Presbyterian Church alley
2 to 4 p .m.
o American Girl Tea
at Senior Citizen Center
10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
o Adult activities
Art and photo contest
at Presbyterian Church lawn
2 p.m.
o Dennis Morrison, lecture
on artifacts of Bluffton
7 p.m.
o Darrell Groman, lecture
on Captain Riley, town hall
Friday, July 1
All day
o Boy Scout Indian village
at Buckeye Park
o Bluffton University display
at Bluffton Public Library
o Bluffton University art display
at Sauder Visual Arts Center
9 a.m.
o Movie at Shannon Theatre
Sponsored by SHANNON Service Club
10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
o Children's activities
at Presbyterian Church alley
1 p.m.
o Miss Sesquicentennial winner
at town hall
2 p.m.
o Quilt show, town hall
3 p.m.
o Beard contest
Common Grounds, sponsor
at town hall
4 p.m.
o Civil War re-enactment at
BFR field
7 p.m.
o 150 years of American Music
at Yoder Recital Hall
Pat Rodabaugh, director
Saturday, July 2
All day
o Boy Scout Indian village
at Buckeye Park
o Bluffton University display
at Bluffton Public Library
o Bluffton University art display
at Sauder Visual Arts Center
o Sesquicentennial parade
Main Street
4 p.m.
o Vintage baseball game
7 p.m.
o 150 years of American Music
at Yoder Recital Hall
Pat Rodabaugh, director
8 p.m.
o Indian pow pow
Indian village,
at Buckeye Park