Senior Citizens Center monthly dinner meeting May 9

Several activities are planned in May at the Bluffton Senior Citizens Center, 132 N. Main St., Bluffton.

A copy of the May newsletter is a attached at the bottom of this story.

One in a Number, a Bluffton women's chorus, will perform during the Center's 6 p.m., Monday, May 9, dinner meeting. The meal is catered by the Mt. Cory United Methodist Church.

A blood pressure clinic is from 10:30 a.m. to noon, Wednesday, May 4. A nurse from Ameri Care will check blood pressures.

Two Bingo events are set for May. Those events are Monday, May 2, with Hilty Memorial Home, Pandora, as the sponsor; and Monday, May 16, with Elmcroft of Lima, as the sponsor. Both events are at 2:30 p.m.

Community meals in May are Thursday, May 5, with Ebenezer Mennonite Church as the host; and Thursday, May 19, with Mennonite Memorial Home as the host. The free meals are sponsored by the Bluffton Inner Church Board. Meals are at 6 p.m. Donations support the Bluffton Food Pantry.

A toe nail clinic is at 10 a.m., Monday, May 23. Dr. Daniel Kirk of Grand Lake Podiatry offers his services. Appointments are required as is a $10 charge.

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