Pandora council looking at annexing land
The Pandora Village Council met in Regular Session on Tuesday, June 28, 2011, at 7:00 PM with Mayor, John Schlumbohm, presiding.
Members Present: Painter, Fricke, Hall, Stall, BlankMembers Absent: Vance
The meeting was opened with Pledge of Allegiance.
Motion was made by Mr. Painter, seconded by Mr. Hall to approve the June 14, 2011 Minutes. Voting: All Yea.
Bills: $72,721
Payroll: $12,781
Motion was made by Mr. Fricke, seconded by Mr. Hall to approve the bills as presented. Voting: All Yea.
Ron Schwab, respresentative of the Recreation Committee, was present to discuss the need of grass, dirt and leveling of the ball diamonds as well as a fence by the dugout area. Mr. Schwab asked if the Village would be willing to assist with the costs of these items. It was the consensus of the Council for Mr. Schwab to present cost estimates as to these matters at the next meeting.
The Village Administrator reported on the following:
1) Contacted Dan Radebaugh as to the installation of a sidewalk on his property on State Route 12. Mr. Radebaugh stated he would like to but does not have the funds to do so at this time. He did indicate he could put $100 towards the project. Kim Bradshaw, owner of the property to the east of Mr. Radebaugh's, had stated he would also contribute $100 towards this project.
The estimated cost for this sidewalk is $1,920. The Village's sidewalk program would reimburse Mr. Radebaugh $2.00 per square foot or $960. Thus, this would leave a shortfall of approximately $760. It was the consensus of the Council to approach Mr. Radebaugh if he would be willing to have the additional amount assessed on his real estate taxes.
It was the consensus of the Council if Mr. Radebaugh agrees with this assessment, for Mr. Schneck to proceed and hire a contractor for said sidewalk installation.
2) Discussion was had as to the grass seeding in areas of the sewer project which has yet to be done. After some discussion, it was the consensus of the Council for Solicitor, Scott Basinger, send a letter to Andy James, contractor for said sewer project, with a deadline of July 15, 2011 to respond.
If no response, then the Village may contract with someone else to complete this grass seeding. The retainage of $5,545.25 from the sewer project would be used to pay for this grass seeding.
3) Representatives of the Village council presented to the Riley Township Trustees at their meeting on June 16, 2011, the three proposals as to the fire station bulding. As of this date the Trustees have not made a final decision as to this matter.
4) The Village's share of the St. John Mennonite Church water extension project is approximately $127,000. A proposed Annexation Agreement and Memorandum of Agreement as to this project were presented to Council.
Motion was made by Mr. Blank, seconded by Mr. Hall to place Resolution No. 2011-605 on its first reading. Voting: All Yea.
Discussion was had as to the Peth property. Solicitor, Scott Basinger, stated the bank holding the mortgage on the property has been paying the real estate taxes. It was the consensus of the Council for Mr. Basinger to send a letter to this mortgage holder the Village is pursuing the issue of having this structure removed.
Rob Fawcett of Fawcett, Lammon & Recker, presented the liability insurance renewal. The reason for the slight increase in the premium of $409 is due to the increase in the Village's exposure. Mr. Fawcett will meet with the Fiscal Officer to see if there are any other expenses from 2010 year which can be deducted to reduce the total exposure amount.
The following are the salaries and benefits effective June 20, 2011 for the following full-time employees:
Lana Burry Grade K, Step 5 $ 30,472.00 salary
Scott Stant Grade P, Step 1 19.25/hour
Eric Rayle Grade L, Step 2 15.35/hour
Marvin Steiner Grade O, Step 9 19.05/hour
Rick Morrison Grade J ,Step 3 13.45/hour
Stanley Schneck received $1,000 HSA deposit in lieu of the $.40 per hour increase.
Motion was made by Mr. Fricke, seconded by Mrs. Stall to excuse Mr. Vance from this meeting. Voting: All Yea.
With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned upon a motion by Mr. Painter, seconded by Mr. Fricke.
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