Blanchard Valley Health System (BVHS) is offering educational scholarships to individuals pursuing health care careers. High school seniors entering college, current college students and BVHS associates are eligible to apply.

A complete list of scholarships, along with applications, deadlines, qualifications and contact information can be viewed at by clicking on the "Scholarships" link under the "Careers" menu.

Ten Thousand Village, 115 S. Main St., Bluffton says that it's time to think spring. One way to do that, according to Aphaphanh Nussbaum, manager, is to check out the hand-painted tree motif on planters now avialable and handcrafted from Vietnam

Store hours:

Mon-Wed 9-5
Thur- 1-5
Fri-Sat - 9-5

Phone: 419-358-7233

X-Ray vision of Main Street

Let's call this an X-Ray photo of Main Street. The photo is an "outline" option on the Nikon D7000 camera, used by The Icon. It takes a image and turns it into an outline.

The Bluffton school board is developing a plant to install a concession stand and restrooms at Steinmetz Field, the soccer field used by Bluffton boys' and girls' soccer teams. One of agenda items on Monday's board meeting authorizes R.D. Neff & Associates to develop plans and bid specifications for the project.

Other items on Monday agenda include several contracts and assignments. Among contracts on the agenda include:

Rodney and Jane (Steinman) Stratton of Bluffton will be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary on Feb. 24, 2012. They were married by Rev. Bradtke at Trinity Lutheran Church in Jenera on Feb. 24, 1962.

They have three children: Amie Stratton, Jay (Barb) Stratton and Shawn (Nancy) Stratton. Rod and Jane also have seven grandchildren.

Jane is a homemaker and Rodney is a farmer. They are members of Bluffton's First United Methodist Church. A family celebration will take place at a later date.


This photo of a Bluffton elementary class tour of the Bluffton Post Office was taken when first-class stamps were 3 cents. Ralph Stearns shows students the workings of the post office in these two photos, probably taken by Leland Gerber.

Can Icon views identify any of the students in these photos?

Here's a rare license plate seldom seen in Bluffton - Washington, D.C., The Icon spotted this on Cherry Street.

By Mitchell Gatzke

Although no one down here in Ohio seems to care about hockey whatsoever, in Detroit the Red Wings are a pretty big deal.

Considered by many to be not only the best organization in National Hockey League but all of sports, the Red Wings hold the best record in hockey this year. This is mostly due to their nearly flawless protection of their home ice.

Stanley Newton

Stanley Newton, 77, of Pandora, died Friday, Feb. 17 at St. Rita's Medical Center in Lima, Ohio.

Mr. Newton was born June 19, 1934, in Pandora. He retired from M&R Plumbing and Heating in 2000 and continued to enjoy farming. He was a member and past elder of St. John Mennonite Church, Pandora. He and his wife served for many years working with youth groups, attending numerous mission trips, and being active in The Gideons International.

He is survived by his wife of 58 years, Janice (Henry) Newton.
