J. Denny Beaver

Spending dozens of hours spreading Bluffton University spirit at athletic and other events is enough to make J. Denny Beaver lose his head.

The Bluffton mascot will do just that on Wednesday, Feb. 8, when he is "beheaded" at halftime of Bluffton's men's basketball game against Manchester College. Tipoff will be at 7:30 p.m. in Founders Hall.

Ohio Northern University Gospel Ensemble

The Ohio Northern University Gospel Ensemble will perform during the 10:30 a.m., Sunday, Feb. 12, worship service at St. John's United Church of Christ, according to Rev. Carol Clements, pastor.

The Ensemble was formed in 1987. Since that time it has traveled to many area churches each year on weekend trips and visited some of the member's home churches in Ohio and Michigan on spring break tours.

The ensemble sings primarily contemporary gospel music and much of its is a cappella. The motto of the ensemble is "Winning souls to Christ with a medody."

January students of the month were recently announced at the Bluffton Middle School. Their information follows:

6th Graders
Tabitha Geiger is the daughter of Bryan and Jodi Klaus of Bluffton and Troy and Janice Geiger of Houston, Texas. She is a member of the BMS choir and was a Bucs cheerleader.

Kaden Reneker, son of Eric and Angela Reneker of Bluffton, is a member of the BMS choir and Student Senate. He plays basketball, baseball and football. Kaden attends St. Mary's Catholic Church and is a Boy Scout.

Several Bluffton congregations will hold special Ash Wednesday services on Feb. 22. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the season of Lent.

St. John's United Church of Christ will hold at service at 7 p.m. according to Rev. Carol Clements, pastor. The service will include communion and the imposition of ashes.

The Bluffton Lions Club February newsletter is now available for Icon viewers. It is an attachment at the bottom of this story.

The club will meet on Feb. 7 and Feb. 21. On the 7th Elizabeth Kelly, Blanchard Valley Hospital chaplain is the speaker. The Feb. 21 meeting is charter day for the club.

Details on these meetings is in the newsletter.

Bluffton Community Preschool is currently accepting registration applications for the 2012-2013 school year. Please call 419-358-0268 or email us at [email protected]. Spaces are limited.

The Gardeners of the Bluffton/Pandora area will hold its February meeting on the topic of roses. The meeting is from 6:30 to 8 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 14, in the lower level of the Bluffton Public Library.

The guest speaker has been a rosarian since 1952, and has over 300 rose bushes all started from cuttings. The lecture will cover rose propagation from cuttings, planting instructions and care of roses.

The program is open to the public.

Here's the seven-day report for February from Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer.

Date High Low Rain Snow
Feb. 1 52 37 0.15
Feb. 2 44 29
Feb. 3 51 25
Feb. 4 35 32 0.49 4.3
Feb. 5 42 24
Feb. 6 47 25

Elizabeth Nisly smiles behind her spelling bee trophy

Bluffton eighth grader Elizabeth Nisly for the second year in a row has won the Allen County Spelling Bee.

To advance to the county bee Nisly won the Bluffton Middle School spelling bee as a seventh grader and as an eighth grader.

Peter Suter of Shannon Theatre announced that "Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace in 3D" (PG) is showing at the theatre from February 10 - 16.

Show times follow:

3D shows are each evening at 7:00 and 9:30 PM with Saturday and Sunday matinees at 4:00 PM.

2D shows are Saturday and Sunday matinees at 1:30 PM only.

All 3D seats are only $6.00. Passes are not accepted for 3D features.
