It's a real winter wonderland in the windows of Citizens National Bank. Here's a view of the south window. The bank won second place in the Bluffton chamber downtown holiday window decorating contest.
Bluffton's first December holiday weekend offers lots of activities for persons interested in getting into the holiday mood. Here's the first installment of December weekend features from The Icon on what's going on in Bluffton.
Dear Santa...The Bluffton Icon again has the inside track to your Christmas wishes. A special mailbox at the Bluffton Post Office accepts letters to Santa. The Icon will print all letters that are legible.
And, thanks to the digital age, The Icon will also accept e-mailed letters to Santa. Send them to [email protected]
Here's a classic Will Triplett photo. The subject is young Walter James Renner of Bluffton. The photo was taken on March 7, 1897, thanks to information written on the back of the photo.
While a photo of this pose today might be simple, consider Will Triplett's task in 1897.
His subject - a very young child - needed to stand is a "frozen" pose for several seconds. If he moved his image would be blurred. The pups in the photo were already under control.
Bluffton Public Library will host a local author signing event on Thursday, Dec. 1, at 6:30 p.m. Fred Steiner will be on hand to discuss his newly published book, "A Good Place to Miss - Bluffton Stories 1900-1975."