Here's the high and low temperatures for the past seven days from Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer.

Date High Low Prec

Nov. 15 57 49
Nov. 16 52 34
Nov. 17 39 25
Nov. 18 47 24
Nov. 19 59 41 0.08
Nov. 20 59 41
Nov. 21 44 39 0.16

The Bluffton High School class of 1967 will celebrate its 45th reunion on July 21, 2012, at Marbeck Center at Bluffton University.
Planners of the event invite class members to mark your calendars, and share this with other 1967 graduates you might see during the holidays.
More details will follow later.

Icon viewers:

As we get closer to Christmas and all that gift giving, many Americans are becoming more concerned with "buying American." In Bluffton, buying American comes easy. There is an e-mail out in cyberspace that says gift certificates to small businesses are a good way to buy locally.

Everyone gets their hair done or needs their oil changed. Who doesn't like a night out to eat or see a movie? We could all use more time at the Gym (BFR) or if money is really tight, a certificate to the grocery store or gas station would be appreciated.

Members of the Bluffton English Lutheran Church will have a Blaze of Lights display in front of John Wagner's Nationwide Agency promoting "Giving Good Gifts this Christmas."

It is a program of the ELCA that provides animals, health care, water, farm implements to persons in need throughout the world. The table will show the kind of gifts available to give.

Parents of the Bluffton High School junior class (class of 2013) will have a booth in front of the Bluffton News at the Bluffton Blaze of Lights from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 26.

Proceeds will go towards the 2012 BHS post prom event. "Without the generous donations from the local community a fun and safe evening after the prom would not be possible," according to committee members.

The post prom committee will sell nachos with cheese or with cheese and meat, hot chocolate, bottled water and individual servings of cookies and brownies.

The Bluffton High School class of 1967 will celebrate its 45th reunion on July 21, 2012, at Marbeck Center at Bluffton University.

Planners of the event invite class members to mark your calendars, and share this with other 1967 graduates you might see during the holidays.
More details will follow later.
