"Ring" in the holiday season hosted by St. John's United Church of Christ.

The Findlay Community Bell Choir will perform a concert at the church at 7 p.m., Sunday, Dec. 4, according to Rev. Carol Clements, pastor.

"If you have never heard these bells before, you will be amazed at what the choir can do with them. If you have heard them before, you will be in for a wonderful treat. We hope to see you there," she said.

Thanks . . .

During the Blaze of Lights, the Bluffton Lions Club will provide chicken barbecue dinners prepared by Harlan's of Pandora.

The dinners will be served from 4 to 7 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 26, at the Bluffton Elementary School. Tickets for the dinners are $7 each and are available from any Bluffton Lions Club member.

Drive in service will be available. For additional information, contact Elaine Harris at 419-358-2649.

Krysti's Music Studio, 334 S. Main St., Bluffton, is now accepting students for winter classes. According to Krysti Shey, classes begin Jan. 2.

The studio's phone number is 419-223-5255, and e-mail is [email protected]. Krysti's is an Icon advertiser.

The Guidance Department of Bluffton High School is sponsoring a financial aid meeting for parents of juniors and seniors who are planning to continue their education beyond high school.
The meeting will be held at the high school cafeteria on Wednesday, Dec. 7, 7 p.m.
Lawrence Matthews, Director of Financial Aid and Bluffton University, will be the presenter. He will discuss financial aid and filing the FAFSA form.

7pm Traditional American Contra Dances

A multi-media trio of Bell Acoustic of Bucyrus, Findlay Artist/Photographer Carole Elchert, and Didgeridoo player

7m, Third Floor of the Town Hall (handicap accessible), Main Street, Bluffton
We take donations for the musician at the door.

7m, Third Floor of the Town Hall (handicap accessible), Main Street, Bluffton
We take donations for the musician at the door.

The perfect Valentines Date: sweet old time songs with Phil and Ann Case, the exquisite folk singing duo from Kettering, Ohio.

7m, Third Floor of the Town Hall (handicap accessible), Main Street, Bluffton
We take donations for the musician at the door.

Jesse Henry is coming home for his first solo gig in years. Henry is the founder of the awesome Spike Drivers and Royal Tycoons, both popular acts in Bluffton and as tour bands through the Midwest. But on this special night, the Town Hall audience will hear Jesse unplugged and raw.
