Provided by Steiner & Granger Insurance and Financial Services [email protected]
As the owner of a life insurance policy, you can generally borrow the policy's cash surrender value and use the proceeds for any purpose. Before you take a policy loan, be sure you understand the implications of the loan on the policy itself as well as any tax implications, now and in the future.
With August right around the corner, it may be time to start thinking about the 2011-12 school year. Many activities take place in August. For an August school calendar click here.
St. John's United Church of Christ will hold an ice cream social from 4 to 7 p.m., Sunday, Aug. 7, at the church. The event is hosted by the Evangelism Committee.
The menu includes homemade ice cream, homemade fruit pies, Sara's hot meat sandwiches, hotdogs and potato chips. The event is open to the public.
Single-event tickets go on sale Monday, Aug. 1, for the 2011-12 Bluffton University Artist Series, featuring The Four Freshmen and The Ohio State University Flute Troupe, as well as the Chamber Orchestra Kremlin, the Pridonoff Piano Duo and juggler-comedian Mark Nizer.
Actually you can't do this at home, unless you have a diving board. Here's some diving antics at the Bluffton Community Swimming Pool. For a video click here.
In the mood for a mystery? Then Monday's Bluffton Public Library movie with a novel destination is just for you. Monday's 2 p.m. movie title has not been announced by the library staff. The only thing known is that it's a "Mystery destination." The movie is free and open to the public.