Third grader Annalise Nisly with the pennies collected so far


Pennies have value.

That's one of the lessons Bluffton elementary students are learning this month as pennies and other coins are collected for a Pennies for Peace service learning project.

Flag presentation

Bluffton American Legion Post 382 presented an American flag to the Bluffton Golf Course on Dec. 9. The presentation was made in appreciation to the golf course's support during the legion's first-ever golf outing this past summer.

Fred Arnold and Sam Reineke, co-chairs of the golf event, made the presentation to Floyd, Wendy and Luke Young of the golf course.

Actually, this title should read: News in Lima. A Village of Bluffton flag (see photo) flies high above the Allen County Museum on Market Street Lima, thanks to the efforts of Richard Boehr of Bluffton. The Bluffton flag shares equal time with the City of Lima flag and the American flag at the museum.

The museum recently opened its newly expanded addition, and the flags were hoisted up the flag pole.

The Bluffton flag is red and white and has the imagine of the town hall on it.

Seven and one-half inches of snow fell in the Bluffton-Pandora between Dec. 10 and Dec. 12, according to Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer.

Here's the daily report for the past seven days:

Date High Temp Low Temp. Rain Snow

Bluffton police chief Rick Skilliter released the November activity summary on Dec. 13. To view the report, open the attachment at the bottom of this story.

The cost of health insurance hit home on Dec. 13. Bluffton council renewed its health insurance for 2011 with Medical Mutual of Ohio. The cost increase to the village is 49 percent over 2010 rates.

Council also approved a three-year contract extension Stephen Chamberlain as village solicitor at the same compensation level as the previous contract.

Both those actions followed a 20-minute executive session by council.

Bill Gable, retiring treasurer of the Bluffton Athletic Boosters, was recognized this week by that organization. Steve Ritter replaces Gable as Boosters treasurer. The transition took place at the December meeting. The Boosters thanked Gable for his many years of service.


Do you know this location in Bluffton? It's at the corner of Elm and Lawn. The photo was taken circa 1886. In the photo are, from left, Bertha Althaus and her parents, Barbara Amstutz Althaus and Rudolf Althaus. Bertha is the grandmother of Fred Steiner, of The Icon. Two of the pine trees in the front yard stand today on that property.

How much is that Black Lab in the window?

The Black Lab is ready for Christmas. Here's its window in a night shot. For a video of North Main Street windows click here.

Schools closed today
