March 2024 Bluffton Senior Center news and activities
The Bluffton Senior Center has issued its March 2024 "Happenings" newsletter which includes a listing of new members, travel opportunities, special events and regularly scheduled activities. The full newsletter is attached.
Potluck meal
Monday, March 11, Noon - Talent show with emcee Gloria Bucher
Everything you need to know about the April 8 eclipse
Dr. Michael Edmiston will be at the Senior Center at 10 a.m. on Monday, March 18 to talk about how it happens and why it is so special. The Bluffton Senior Center has eclipse glasses for sale while supplies last.
Coloring Easter eggs
St. Mary’s preschool students will be at the Senior Center on Monday, March 18, to color eggs. They will also entertain us with a song. Come and help the youngsters in this Easter tradition.
Community meals on March 7 and 21
St. Mary’s Catholic Church will serve the Community Meal on March 7. St. John UCC will serve on March 21. All meals start at 6 p.m. and are free and open to the public. A good will offering will be taken to support the food pantry
Dues are still just $20 and may be paid in person, by sending a check in the mail or by calling with a credit card.
Pop-up Farmers Market on March 23
The Bluffton Farmers Market will hold a winter farmers market at the Senior Center on the fourth Saturday of the month through the winter. Hours are 8:30 to noon.