Icons to feature new streamlined design

By Paula Pyzik Scott

During the weekend of November 9-10 the Bluffton Icon will transition to a new streamlined, 2-column design. During that window of opportunity, we’ll also be on an extended Veteran’s Day weekend holiday with content for both websites on pause except for breaking news, including sports.

The design includes several new features:

  • Scrolling ticker on top of all pages for breaking news and special announcements
  • Photo galleries at the top of articles
  • Announcement ads “above the fold” (the middle of home page)
  • PDF attachment option for classified ads

The design will resemble the current website in many ways and will be easy for returning viewers to navigate.

The Ada Icon will also be updated with the new design on a date to be announced. Our next step will be unveiling a one-column Icon design for mobile devices.

Please join us in thanking our advertisers for supporting free news, updated daily in Bluffton and Ada, Ohio. Our websites feature advertising from over 70 entities. Our goal is to provide advertising for all budgets.

The Bluffton Icon was founded in 2009 by Fred Steiner, who created the Ada Icon in 2012. Our tradition and our mission is to have a local focus, local content creators and local ownership.

For more information on how you can support the Bluffton Icon--with news content or advertising--contact me at [email protected] or call 567-400-4266.  

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