September 2011

By Ron Geiser

This week is a big one for the Bluffton High School girls tennis team as it attempts to break the school record for consecutive wins.

Coach Tony Carmack"s 2002 team won its first nine matches on its way to a 15-4 season mark, the best in Pirate tennis history. Last week coach Jesse Sensenig's team matched that streak with a shutout win over Fostoria, now posting a 9-1 record.

The Mount Cory United Methodist Church is sponsoring a "Community Coffee" Saturday, Oct. 1, from 7 to 11 a.m., according to Rev. Jerry Lewis, pastor.

The community coffee event will take place in the Bethel Family Life Center, 201 W Washington St., Mount Cory.

"Come and Have a cup of coffee and a donut on us," said Rev. Lewis.

Kaelin Weissling, Sallie Jones, Cole Weissling, Liliana Liberato, Angie Brown

The Friends of the Bluffton Public Library recently purchased two new toddler toys for the library's Reading and Discovery Area.

One of the toys, a Deluxe Mini Playcube, includes a roller coaster, pathfinder maze, abacus, rotating number and alphabet blocks and interlocking Wonder Gears.

The cube provides the first building blocks for creative, intellectual development as it stimulates basic learning skills such as visual tracking, eye-hand coordination, letter, shape and color recognition.

The Bluffton Schools will hold a district-wide open house on Monday evening, Sept. 26. The elementary school will be open from 6 - 7 p.m., the middle school from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m., and the high school from 7 - 8 p.m.

Several community organizations will have booths set-up in the elementary gymnasium and information will be available on ways to provide support to the school and community.


Here's a Bluffton College choral group, with its director Russell Lantz, standing on the far right. We can't pinpoint an exact date for the photo, but we've identified a couple members of the choir.

It appears that Stan Bohn is standing on the right, just above Lantz. We also see Richard Boehr in the row below Stan (right side).

There's some other familiar faces, but we'll leave identifications open to Icon viewers. What's the name of the group and when was the photo taken?

Leland Gerber took the photo.

By Meghan Mohr, sports information assistant


The Beavers struggled against Alma College on Friday, Sept. 16, at Wittenberg, losing the first two sets, 25-12 and 25-14. They caught some momentum in the third set, but still fell short, losing 25-21. The setback left the Beavers 6-4 on the season, while Alma improved to 7-3.

By Bryan Kress
The banner read "Knock Out The Knights" and despite forcing 4 turnovers, Bluffton were the ones who ended up being knocked out.

Bluffton could not capitalize on any Crestview turnover, and gave up a total of 236 yards on the ground. That kind of play is a recipe for failure for any team that suits up.

Belles & Beaux
Scores bowled on: Sept.11
Men's High Game
Jon Burden 259
Jon Burden 258
Wayne Diamond 243
Dave Bonnell 236

Women's High Game
Amy Muniz 214
Joyce Sealscott 193
Sue Burden 191
Gina Bloomfield 184

Men's High Series
Jon Burden 701
Dave Bonnell 611
Dan Dailey 596
John Dailey 590

Start of girls' race

After a muddy Tiffin Course last week left the Pirates a bit behind pace, Coach Blair knew what she had to do. Seeing the potential that the team possessed, she pushed them hard all week and set high expectations for the race. After the intense week of training, the Pirates were ready and able to conquer the competition at the O-G Blue/Gold Invitational on Saturday.

A Punt, Pass and Kick Competition was held Sept.17 at the Trinity Lutheran School Athletic Field in Jenera. Of the 20 participants, the following winners will proceed to the sectional competition on Oct. 16 in Tiffin.
