In honor of the May Older Americans’ Month theme of “Unleash the Power of Age,” Bessie Bassitt, a retiree of Mennonite Home Communities of Ohio, Bluffton, volunteered at Maple Crest last week and demonstrated the art of arranging live floral bouquets.
Bassitt’s mother loved flowers and instilled in her daughter the knack for growing them. Perhaps, too, Bassitt’s 35 years as a beautician, (before her 11 years at Mennonite Memorial Home in the activities department), gave her the eye for symmetry and style necessary for flower arranging.
In honor of the Memorial Day holiday, the residents of Richland Manor enjoyed a week’s worth of festivities and an evening full patriotism in late May. This “USO Dinner” was planned specially for the campus residents and featured a menu that contained buffet cuisine similar to what one could find in an Army canteen.
The chef-prepared menu included appetizers and assorted entrées served buffet-style.
We need some Icon viewers' assistance identifying students in this photo. We think it is the BHS class of 1976 as kindergartners (Margaret Groman is the teacher). That could put the photo in the 1963 school year.
The only names we can come up with and they are not in order are Steve Kohli, Tom Kible, Richard Weiss, Ricky Fields, Daryl Steiner and Mark Zimmerly.
This room, which was once on the corner of the original elementary building, is now a teacher lounge.
The Blanchard Valley Health System Corporate PR & Marketing Department has earned two awards in the 2013 Aster Awards competition. These awards included the “Gold” award in the brochure advertising category and the “Silver” award in the patient education category.
The winning brochure was created for the Blanchard Valley Health Foundation’s Gifts from the Heart grateful patient program, and the winning patient education piece is a new patient menu for all inpatients at Blanchard Valley Hospital.
Jonathan Nisly, a Bluffton High School senior (2013 graduate), was named the BHS May student of the month.
He carried a 4.0 grade point average and was activy this year in Spanish Club, Ocean Focus, track and cross country and was a member of Grace Mennonite, Pandora's, worship band.
He was a class of 2013 valedictorian, graduated with diploma with honors, was an honor student, cross country MVP 2011 and 2012 and Pirate award 2011 and 2012, a HOBY Youth Leadership Conference Ambassador and participated in the Leaders of Tomorrow Banquet.
A little rain, temps dip into the 60s and suddenly Memorial Day's outdoor picnic is ruined. Here's the past seven day weather summary from Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer.
High Low Prec.
May 21 86 70
May 22 80 63
May 23 70 46 0.05
May 24 63 42
May 25 67 38
May 26 70 42 trace
May 27 63 50 0.52
The Bluffton Lions Club will meetat noon, Tuesday, June 4, in the Patio Room of Maple Crest. Perry Bush, member of the Bluffton University faculty is the speaker.
He will talk about "Lecturing Down the Dnipro: A Semester in the Ukraine." The club will also have installation of the new officers for the coming year of 2013-2014.
On June 1 major changes occur in Bluffton’s recycling and refuse pick up procedure. One of the most noticeable changes is that new recycling and refuse carts are being delivered to residents.
The new system enables customers to now recycle glass and more plastic (numbers 1 to 7). Previously glass was not accepted and pastic was limited.
If swimming is your thing in the summer, you’ll be happy to know that you may now follow the Bluffton Community Swimming Pool on Twitter.
Jamie Mehaffie, village administrator, told The Icon that pool patrons may now follow the pool at “Bluffton Pool.” The pool managers will provide updates on pool activities, closing and conditions.
Also this year, patrons will notice a few changes at the pool. There is a new four-square and hop-scotch area, for example.
While the weather may not cooperate, the pool is ready to official open this weekend.