June 2016

Almost 1,000 seniors from across the state are putting finishing touches on manuscripts, poems, paintings, sculptures and other works of art in preparation for the annual regional and state-wide Art and Writing Shows sponsored by LeadingAge Ohio. 

Maple Crest, 700 Maple Crest Court, Bluffton, will host the Northwest Region competition on Tuesday, June 14, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Patio Room. 

The LeadingAge Ohio Art and Writing Shows display works of seniors with years of artistic experience right alongside those who are just beginning to explore their craft. 

Tommy Trailer Sales and Rentals of Bluffton is offering an instant $200 rebate on in-stock models during June, according to Tom Dotson.

"There are several sizes in stock to choose from or special order your cargo trailer to your satisfaction today," said Dotson.

Bluffton office:
319 N. Main St.

Icon viewers:

Bluffton Family Recreation would like to thank everyone who donated their old shoes for our fundraiser.  We collected over 5,400 pairs of shoes that are now being refurbished and are on their way to people who can use them all over the world.

The money you helped us raise is helping to maintain the BFR building and purchase new equipment. We would like to especially thank Sharon Calvelage and Jerry Burkholder for all the shoes they contributed and also our BFR volunteers for making this fundraiser a success.

The Bluffton Shuffleboard club held its annual Mildred and Clarence Brunn doubles tournament on June 2. The tournament is sponsored by A to Z Meats, which is operated by the family of Mildred and Clarence Brunn.     

The results of the tournment are as follows:

Main Bracket

1st- Steve and Cindy Slaughterbeck
2nd -Ralph and Anna May Petersen
3rd -Fred and Margy Outcalt
4th -Don Basinger and Dorothy Cherry

Consolation Bracket

Riley Creek Baptist Church will hold its Vacation Bible School later this month.

Ocean Commotion, Diving into Noah's Flood, takes place fom 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. nightly from Sunday to Wednesday, June 12-15 at the church, 4950 Township Road 27, Bluffton.

The VBS is for youth ages 2 through sixth grade. For questions call the church between 9 a.m. and 4 p .m. at 419-326-6361.

Rhonda Hogrefe was recently promoted to vice president/business banking officer for the Findlay office of Citizens National Bank.

Hogrefe is responsible for establishing new commercial relationships for CNB, as well as analyzing current customer portfolios on a regular basis.

The Bluffton Hospital Auxiliary will host a Father’s Day pulled pork barbeque on Sunday, June 19, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the corner of Harmon Road and Garau Street, Bluffton.

The event will feature a pulled pork meal with two sides prepared by Todd Larson.

Tickets are $8 and are available from any Auxilian or at Bluffton Hospital, the Black Lab or Greg’s Pharmacy. Tickets must be purchased in advanced.

For questions, call 419.423.5342 or email [email protected].


The Dough Hook, 117 N. Main St., Bluffton, announces next week's fresh meals for a family of four options, according to Marlena Ballinger.

The program includes three meals per week for $49, which comes to $4.08 per person per meal.

Ballinger said that the meal boxes work like this:

After reviewing the menu a week ahead of time, customers may place orders and choose what day the boxes will be picked up.

Here's the menu options for the week of June 14:

Meal 1

Here is Bluffton High School’s 4th quarter honor roll for 2015-2016:

9th Grade – all A:

Olivia Amstutz, Seth Andreas, Mason Ault, Raychel Avila, Madeline Burghaze, Kennedy Coughlan, Rhett Donaldson, Amelia Mitchell, Katie Prater, Andrew Raeburn, Lily Shadle, Amanda Speicher, Jackson Steinmetz, Isaac Strahan, Derek Swartzlander, Hannah Yost

10th Grade – all A:

The Icon slowed down for these three deer as they crossed the Tom Fett Road near Rockport Road in the middle of the afternoon last week.

