October 2016

Next tourney opponent Saturday; BHS faces winner of Mansfield Christian/Ashland Crestview game

Bluffton hosted the Allen East Mustangs for the second time this year in the Division III sectional semifinal game on Tuesday night. 

Both teams battled significant wind on Steinmetz Field in front of a packed stadium. 

The score was 0-0 at the end of the first half, but the the Lady Pirates managed to land goal 1 at the 33 minute mark of the second half, when Sophomore Averey Rumor played the ball up to Senior Sarah Theisen, who dribbled up field and hit the back of the net. 

Watch out for these future varsity Pirates.

The Bluffton seventh grade girls' volleyball team earned second place in this year's Northwest Conference volleyball play.

Team members are, back from left, Coach Green, Sophie Bricker, Lauren Swartzlander, Skyler Scoles, Kylie Stackhouse, Ellie Nickles, Cara Young, Avery Zuercher, Ella Krupp.

Front from left, Haelyn Bischoff, Alexis White, Kylie Monday, Anna Knauss, Kiera Rieman.


With several photos of events from Saturday

 Seniors Chad Gundy of Flanagan, Ill., and Kati O’Neill of Wapakoneta, Ohio, were crowned Bluffton University’s Homecoming king and queen at halftime of the annual Homecoming football game on Oct. 15.
Other seniors on the Homecoming court were John Eckenrode of Oregon, Ohio, and Mickie Gonwick of Hicksville, Ohio. Junior attendants were Malik Jackson of Cincinnati, Ohio, and Elaina Alpeter of Galloway, Ohio, while sophomore attendants were Dan Gregg of Ontario, Ohio, and Erika Motiejunas of Mentor, Ohio.    

Robotic surgery to be offered as part of the Women’s Center of Bluffton Hospital

Bluffton Hospital invites community members to experience a demonstration of the da Vinci Surgical Robot and learn about the new Women’s Center of Bluffton Hospital on Thursday, Nov. 3, from 6 to 8 p.m. in the Bluffton Middle School Cafetorium.
The event will begin with an introduction and overview of the Women’s Center of Bluffton Hospital presented by Chief Administrative Officer Chris Keller.

Looking at Crestview on Friday

By Sam Brauen
Ada and Bluffton came into their Week 8 matchup headed in two different directions. 

The Bulldogs had won three straight contests while the Pirates found themselves on the short side of the scoreboard the last three weeks.  The game was tight for a half before Ada pulled away in the third quarter for a 38-14 victory. 

Both defenses stood tall in the first quarter.  Bluffton forced a turnover on downs on Ada’s first possession.  On Ada’s next possession, the pass happy Bulldogs attempted a halfback pass. 

Want to win a Bluffton Icon cap?

The Icon wants to know what viewers think of when you think of the Icon.

To discover the answer, for the next six weeks, the Icon tosses out a weekly question for viewers to ponder.

The viewer offering the best answer for each week’s question will win this week’s cap.

Here’s this week’s question:
"If the Icon was an animal, what kind of animal would it be? Please offer a brief explanation of why you think the Icon is the animal you mention."

The Garau Street main entrance to Bluffton Hospital is officially history.

This month the hospital announced that all patients, except those receiving physical therapy, should now enter through the Emergency Department entrance. The Garau Street entrance should only be used for those with physical therapy appointments.

The move is part of the addition of The Women's Center at Bluffton Hospital.

Bluffton Hospital was constructed in 1937 and has had a Garau Street street main entrance since its construction.

St. John's United Church of Christ message board, at the corner of Jackson and College, continually offers thought-provoking viewer messages.

Here's the latest message: Best vitamin for a Christian: B1.



It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas...even though temperatures feel like summer.

Jon Kinn, Bluffton fire chief, set Saturday, Nov. 12, as the day that the fire department will hang holiday garlands on Main Street businesses.

He asks that businesses place their garlands outside their door by 8 a.m. on Nov. 12.

A rain date for hanging garlands is the following Saturday, Nov. 19. This year's Blaze of Lights is Saturday, Nov. 26.

“I’m motivated by helping other people.”

She works with physicians, lawyers, clergy, health department officials, fire fighters, coroners, florists, hairdressers and sometimes even criminal investigators.

You could easily say she meets people all across the spectrum.

She is Shirley Wagner, licensed funeral director and embalmer.

She’s new to Bluffton, and as staff member of Chiles-Laman Funeral and Cremation Services, she’s the newest business professional in town.
