Want to win a Bluffton Icon cap? Answer our question and, just maybe...

Want to win a Bluffton Icon cap?

The Icon wants to know what viewers think of when you think of the Icon.

To discover the answer, for the next six weeks, the Icon tosses out a weekly question for viewers to ponder.

The viewer offering the best answer for each week’s question will win this week’s cap.

Here’s this week’s question:
"If the Icon was an animal, what kind of animal would it be? Please offer a brief explanation of why you think the Icon is the animal you mention."

Judging will be scored on originality, creativity and, basically, what strikes the judges as a wonderful answer.

Viewers may submit as many answers as they wish each week. Answers may be submitted on the same e-mail. Winners may only win only one time, however, we encourage winners to continue playing the contest each week – there’s always an honorable mention award in the wings.

Send you answer to: [email protected]. Answers for this week’s cap give-a-way must be received by 6 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 23.

Provide your name and phone number in your e-mail. Your answer may be as long or as short as you wish. The Icon will publish all entries.

Winners will be announced each week. The new question of the week will be announced each Monday with the new week's contest deadline at 6 p.m. the following Sunday.

The Ada Icon offers this contest each week also, and that winner receives an Ada Icon cap, which is purple. Bluffton viewers are welcome to enter that weekly contest at [email protected].

Good luck. We can’t wait to see what kinds of animals show up on our e-mail.