August 2017

It's a concert on the lawn

Ice cream, a warm summer evening, music and friends.

What else is there?


5 Myles High, a Bluffton-based jazz combo featuring a trumpet, bass, vocals, piano and drums, performed during this year’s Mennonite Memorial Home concert on the lawn ice cream social.

The social was Sunday, Aug. 20, on the back lawn of the Mennonite Home, 410 W. Elm St., Bluffton.

Members of the group are Myles Bowers, trumpet, Sean McNeal, percussion, Krysti Schhey, piano and vocals, and Philip Schey, bass and vocals.

FROM ADA ICON - Former Ada resident Mary Howard sent the Icon this photo of yesterday's solar eclipse with the following explanation: I live in Worland, Wyoming, but am originally from Ada.

I watched the eclipse at Gooseberry Badlands between Worland and Meeteetse, Wyoming.  Buddy (my dog) and I sat up in the parking lot of the Badland's scenic area. The traffic was crazy to try and go anywhere else.

The starlings came out and the crickets started chirping as I was sitting there.

Dr. Leah Eiden, M.D., will see patients in Bluffton this fall

Dr. Leah Eiden, M.D., Bluffton’s newest general practitioner, feels right at home in Bluffton Hospital.

After all, she was born in the hospital. The first person she met in Bluffton was Dr. Howard Shelly, M.D., who delivered her. Dr. Eiden will see patients soon at Bluffton Primary Care, an office currently under renovation.

The Icon sat down with her recently for Q and A. Her youngest son, Jack, sat in on our interview. Here’s what we’d like to share with viewers.

Icon and link up for stronger local coverage

Two Bluffton websites that keep their fingers on the pulse of community activities linked together this week to provide easier access for viewers to both sites.

The sites are Bluffton and

This partnership means that viewers win. All Bluffton High School sports are now on Bluffton Icon, and, provides its viewers to an easy link to all news items about Bluffton posted on the Icon.

School starts next week.

Several improvements to the buildings took place this summer. One permanent structure, however, is the building plate of the Bluffton elementary school lobby.

Placed in 1956 when the school opened, it lists the important players in the school system at that time.

Takes place in I-75 northbound rest stop south of Findlay

From 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Wednesday, Aug. 23, the Ohio Department of Transportation District 1 and 2 will host a joint event to highlight Ohio’s Move Over law at the Interstate 75 northbound rest area, south of Findlay. 

Ohio’s Move Over law, enacted in 2004, was put in place to protect law enforcement officers, emergency responders and tow truck operators along Ohio’s highways. The law requires motorists to move over one lane or slow down when passing a vehicle with rotating or flashing lights.

The Village of Bluffton will hold a tree commission meeting on Wednesday Aug. 23, at 7 p.m. in the town hall, according to Judy Augsburger, Mayor

Blanchard Valley Health System has been affirmed as an A2 rating from Moody’s Investors Service. With this affirmation, the outlook is stable that Blanchard Valley Health System will maintain a strong operating performance and favorable balance sheet metrics.

This affirmation is a result of the health system’s solid operating performance, strong market position, healthy balance sheet metrics and favorable service area. Moody’s also acknowledged the health system’s high operating leverage.

Brings 39 years of exerience to Bluffton senior communities

Kevin Kidd of Lima has accepted the position of administrator for Mennonite Memorial Home and Willow Ridge, both part of Mennonite Home Communities of Ohio (MHCO), Bluffton, according to Laura Voth, CEO.

“I am certain Kevin’s 39 years of experience will bring us new systems and perspectives for how best to serve our elders and their families, for bringing more community members into our program, for good stewardship of our finances, and for caring for our most important asset – our thoughtful staff,” she said.

Where were you when the sun blinked at 2:28 p.m.?

Where were you when the sun blinked at 2:28 p.m.?

Many Icon viewers were wearing funny dark glasses and staring into space. Those who did have a story to tell their grandchildren. Bluffton was at 85 percent coverage of the great solar eclipse of 2017.

While not like a total eclipse, it was a very noticible afternoon.

