Transition Bluffton invites the community to join in some community building, food and music.
"Bring a locally sourced food dish, a musical instrument ....or both to the Buckeye park shelter by the pool at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 20. Bring your family and friends. Let's allow our differences to melt away and celebrate what we have in common," said Peter Badertscher of the organization.
Bluffton University’s Grace Albrecht Gallery will host “A Visual Reflection on Fear and Connection” by Merrill Krabill, chair of the art department at Goshen College.
Krabill's current body of work uses the metaphor of death and resurrection to explore life's pain and loss. The hope the work holds out is that the interconnectedness of all life is our way to move from loss to redemption.
Opening Aug. 26, the exhibit is free and open to the public through Oct. 18.
Mercy Health – St. Rita’s Medical Center continues to provide quality of cancer care with the addition of a TrueBeam system – the latest in radiotherapy technology.
The TrueBeam system, from Varian Medical Systems, delivers more powerful cancer treatments with pinpoint accuracy and precision. It integrates imaging and motion management technologies that makes it possible to deliver treatments more quickly while monitoring and compensating for tumor motion.
Bluffton Public Library received a donation of $347.29 from the Bluffton Area Ministerial Association to be put toward the library's Youth Services department, according to Jessica Hermiller, library director.
"The library wishes to thank the gracious patrons, community members, and businesses and organization for their support," she said.
"It's through this support that donors have a significant role in helping our community grow, learn, and create – developing our patrons into citizens who care and contribute to their surroundings.
By Cort Reynolds
The Bluffton golf team won a rugged four-team Northwest Conference meet Tuesday at the Bluffton Golf Course.
Bluffton and Allen East tied with 179 strokes each, followed by Paulding (190) and Ada (209). The Pirates won the tiebreaker with AE after both teams' fifth man shot 51 since Pirate Wes Brauen shot a 64 in the sixth spot.
The Allen County Fair opens Friday, Aug. 16, and continues through Saturday, Aug. 24. The fairgrounds is located at 2750 Harding Highway. Lima. Daily fair hours are 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
The Icon invites prize winners in the Bluffton school district and local 4-H clubs to send their award information to the Icon for posting. Send information to: [email protected]
Several committee meetings are on the Bluffton council schedule. Those follow:
Ordinance Committee - Wednesday, Aug. 14 at 5:30 p.m.
Streets, Alleys & Sidewalks Committee - Wednesday, Aug. 14 at 7 p.m.
Parks & Rec Committee - Thursday, Aug. 15 at noon
Tree Commission - Thursday, Aug.15 at 7 p.m.
Safety Service Committee - Monday, Aug. 19 at noon
Personnel Committee - Wednesday, Aug. 21 at noon
Council Meeting - Monday, Aug. 26 at 7 p.m.
All meetings are held at the Village's Town Hall.