July 2020

Hospital provides funds for summer camp meal

Bluffton Hospital has donated funds to provide meals to the Bluffton Family Recreation 2020 Summer Kids’ Camp.

The meals will feed children ages 5-12 enrolled in BFR’s program, each week throughout the summer.

“BFR summer camp provides children with the opportunity to experience a variety of indoor and outdoor activities. Keeping the children active, it is important to have nutritious meals,” said Daniel Tinch, executive director of Bluffton Family Recreation. 

Pandora Contracting considering building duplex/condominium type community

In early July, the sale of property on Friend Court in Pandora from the Hilty Home to Pandora Contracting was completed. 

A part of Mennonite Home Communities of Ohio (MHCO) since 2012, Hilty Home is a senior living community that includes Independent living villas, assisted living apartments, and a skilled nursing facility. 

Spectrum Salon, 422 N. Main St., Bluffton, announces a special massage offer this month, according to Mandy Kinn, owner.

• New massage guests special – 1 hour is $61 plus tax
• Ongoing massage guests receive hot stones as an add-on free of charge, when mentioning you saw this in Bluffton Icon.

Call for an appointment - 419-358-0556.


So, you think you know Bluffton. The location of the portion of the building shown above is at the Bluffton elementary school. The photo below points to the location.

Bluffton schools launched the site earlier this month

There’s a new website in Bluffton and, while it’s still a work in progress, it’s impressive. It’s also very user friendly and easy to use on a cell phone.

Bluffton Exempted Village Schools launched its new website two weeks ago, Greg Denecker, superintendent, told The Icon.

The new sites link is www.blufftonschools.org

Created by Schoolpointe, based in Columbus, the firm has created websites for nearly 2,500 school districts in 39 states.

Ask Darrell Groman; July 17 marks the bicentennial of its naming

A stream that passes through Bluffton celebrates a bicentennial of its name on Friday.  Darrell Groman provides the Icon with information about how the creek was named. He also provides lots of details of its namesake.

The Bicentennial of the Naming of
Riley Creek, July 17, 2020
Information provided by Darrell Groman

Presentation sponsored by Bluffton Public Library, presented by Fred Steiner

If you missed the Bluffton Public Library Zoom talk on "What's at the bottom of the Buckeye," you may now watch it on The Icon.

The presentation by Fred Steiner includes descriptions of Bluffton swimming pools  over the past century.

The talk also touches on a Bluffton railroad excursion to Cedar Point in the 1920s. Big Rock, sulfur springs, Cigarette Creek are also part of the talk, as is the oldest known structure along the creek which redates Bluffton.

We are part of your communities. We know you, and you know us. As we all deal with COVID-19, we want to be a part of the solution; we want to educate and empower you to be a part of the solution also

Note: Blufton Icon supports the opinions put forth in this letter.

Bluffton Icon viewers:
We, your doctors and your nurse practitioners, are living and working together with you as the COVID-19 pandemic is unfolding.  

We are currently seeing an increasing number of people with this infection in Putnam county and surrounding areas.  We want to do everything we can to limit the spread of COVID-19 and need your help.  

Here is the Bluffton council committee meeting schedule for the next few weeks:
• Personnel Committee – Wednesday, 7/15 at noon.
• Cemetery Board – Wednesday, 7/15 at 4:30 p.m.
• Streets, Lights, Alleys and Sidewalks – Wednesday, 7/15 at 5:30 p.m
• Finance Committee – Thursday, 7/23 at noon.
•The meetings will be held at the town hall.

So, you think you know Bluffton. Okay, where will you find this on a building in town? Answer tomorrow,.
