July 2020

Bluffton delivery date Wednesday, July 15

Here's your chance to order fresh Michigan blueberries from Marlin Gerber. What you need to know:
• Order them immediately
 • Blueberries come in 10-pound boxes (6 quarts) for $27
   (Make check to Pam Raabe, or cash; no change available)
• Pick up is at the Raabe residence, 135 Beaver St., Bluffton, between 2 and 5 p.m., Wednesday, July 15.
• Email orders to [email protected] or text 419-302-3818. 
 • Masks are requested at pick up.

Donates plexiglass and aluminum unit providing protection around the main floor front desk

GROB Systems to the rescue.

Thanks for volunteer efforts of the local manufacturer, Bluffton Public Library will have a customized plexiglass and aluminum unit providing over 20 feet of protection around the library’s main floor front desk area when it eventually reopens to the public.

Here’s how it all came together:

The library contacted ​Brian Schroeder of ​GROB when it was determined that the structure of the front desk would require a frame to anchor plexiglass partitions. 

So, you think you know Bluffton. The image of the lamp of knowledge is high above Main Street on the Bluffton High School building.
