April 2021

Several new “Help Wanted” advertisements are now listed on Bluffton and Ada Icons. Check Icon Classified Ad pages at: www.blufftonicon.com/classifieds.

New opening are added to this list daily. Businesses interested in listing positions available should contact [email protected].

Jessica Hermiller, Bluffton Public Library director, will update Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce members on the activities of the library this year.

She will speak at the 7:30 a.m., Friday, Apruil 9, Zoom chamber meeting. Several updates from chamber members are also on the agenda.

For the link to the Zoom meeting contact Paul Scott, chamber CEO, at [email protected]

Robert McCool writes: "This new book exhibits the power of her prose that's present that's in all of her writing"

Review by Robert McCool
Kristin Hannah does  it again.

I've gone back and read every one of Kristin Hannah's (The Nightingale, The Great Alone) novels, and this new book exhibits the power of her prose that's present that's in all of her writing.

In “The Four Winds” (ISBN 978-1-64358-823-0) the strength of her protagonist is the strength exhibited in all of her female characters. The strength to carry the weight the world, and sometimes that means the whole family, upon her shoulders.

Members the Bluffton High School classes of 2021, 2022 and 2023

Bluffton High School's 22nd annual academic letter assembly took place on March 30.

Sophomores, juniors and seniors with a 3.5 cummulative grade point average or higher receive an academic letter.

Due to covid restrictions this year, students received letters during a ceremony at school. It was recorded for parents to watch at a later time.

Previous letter winners are listed with an * by their name. The printed program is attached below.

She worked in several mission-related agencies around the world

Former Bluffton resident Joanne Buhler Voth, 91, a resident of Rockingham, Virginia, died on Tuesday, April 6, 2021, at her home.

Joanne was born on Dec. 6, 1929, to Gerhard Buhler from Mt Lake, Minnesota, and Leucile (Steiner) Buhler, from Bluffton.         

She graduated from Bluffton College in 1951 with a degree in elementary education.

On Sept. 2, 1950, she married Leland Willis Voth, son of Rev. William C. and Matilda (Kliewer) Voth in the First Mennonite Church, Bluffton.

Hopes to attend Heidelberg and major in business and finance


Simon Derstine, a senior, is the Bluffton High School March student of the month.

He is a member of Student Senate, National Honor Society and Ocean Focus. He received a "Student of the Year" award in Art 1 and twice in Robotics.

He also has received an Academic Letter each year. He is on the Bluffton High School soccer, swim and track teams.

Bryan Zimmerman and Thad Mittendorf won 6-4, 6-4 at first doubles • Eden Nygaard won at first singles

By Cort Reynolds
BLUFFTON - The host Bluffton boys tennis team defeated Napoleon 3-2 Wednesday evening.

The Pirate netmen improved to 2-1 this season with the close victory.

Pirate senior Eden Nygaard won 6-4, 6-4 over Ryan Otto at first singles.

The Bluffton tandem of Bryan Zimmerman and Thad Mittendorf triumphed 6-4, 6-4 at first doubles.

Pirates Eli Wagner and Braeden Ackerman won by default forfeit at second doubles. 

Our Swiss connection - part 21

This is the 21st installment in this series. Click here for the previous installment. 

This column’s focus is Christian Sr., and Magdalena Steiner Suter and their children, with a special emphasis on the family of their son, Christian, Jr., and his wife, Anna Basinger Suter.

On behalf of National Nurses United, Single Payer Action Network and the Poor
People’s Campaign, there will be a Honk 4 Healthcare at 2:45 p.m., Thursday, April 8, in downtown Bluffton.

It will take place  in front of the Presbyterian Church on Main Sreet and Cherry Streets, according to Linda Dangelo.

Available to current Bluffton students on Friday and Monday

Bluffton University will partner with Bluffton Hospital to host on-campus vaccination clinics for current Bluffton students on Friday, April 9, and Monday, April 12.

Bluffton University has been allocated 300 doses of the single-shot Johnson & Johnson vaccine to administer during the clinics.

“These clinics demonstrate our commitment to the health and safety of not only our students but to the larger village community and the communities our students call home,” said Dr. Sherri Winegardner, director of nursing and chair of Bluffton’s COVID-19 steering committee.
