Ada resident and former Bluffton High School teacher Gary Brown passed away on April 25; his obituary is HERE.
By Fred Steiner
Pardon the following recollections. They may be hit-and-miss, because as M. Twain claimed “The older I get, the more clearly I remember things that didn’t happen.”
Funny how you continue to address your high school teachers as “Mr.”, “Mrs.,” or “Miss,” long after your own graduation in the world of adults.
Mr. Brown–also known as Gary Brown–is a perfect example. This past winter I saw him in the bank, and said, “Hello, Mr. Brown,” as our conversation began. I’d never considered, “Hello, Gary.” That would have the broken unwritten rule number one between student and teacher. At least in my day.
Despite that, here’s what enters the adolescent caverns of my mind when recalling the “Mr. Brown file.”
First, he was unconventional. Junior high students appreciated that. He could joke with us, with a down-to-earth-like honesty.
He once told us that he’d prefer having a black snake in the house to keep the mice at bay rather than using mouse traps. That captured the class attention. Was he telling the truth? We believed so.