By Fred Steiner
Imagine being required to turn off your water line each time the fire department answered a fire alarm.
Don’t even think about hitching your horse to a fire hydrant.
Those were the rules when Bluffton’s municipal water plant opened in the late 1890s.
And, this may come as a surprise. The reason the village of Bluffton created a municipal water plant was for fire protection. It had very little to do with providing individuals with running water in their houses.
In a case you wonder, here are additional rules governing water usage in the village when the water plant first opened:
• Patrons had to immediately discontinue using water for any purpose, when the fire alarm sounded.
• It was prohibited to hitch horses to fire hydrants.
• Lawn, garden or yard sprinkling was restricted to the hours of 5:30 to 9 a.m. and 4 to 8 p.m.