All Bluffton Icon News

The Bluffton Music Boosters annual Chicken Barbecue fundraising event on March 25 filled ears and stomachs. Missed it? The Icon offers a photographic taste by Jamie Nygaard and a video link courtesy of Bluffton Schools. Front row: L-R: Olivia Parker, Amy Jebsen, Olivia Matthews, and Kaleigh Coffman.

Cast list and synopsis

The Bluffton High School 2022 Spring Musical is a production of Virgil’s Wedding, a musical comedy with book by Eddie McPherson and music by Allen Koepke.

Performances are April 8 and 9 at 7:30 p.m. and April 10 at 2:00 p.m. on the stage of Bluffton Middle School, 116 S. Jackson St. 

Reserve seating tickets ($5) are on sale in the middle school office during school hours. General admission tickets ($3 adult, $1 students) will be available at the door.

By Craig Hoffman

Note from Craig: It is great to be back in the music saddle writing for the Icon(s)! I hope everyone is doing well in my hometown area, and as always, thank you for reading. What songs do you use for daily motivation? Let the Icon(s) know in the comments!

On Everything Is Smaller In Japan

“God’s Calling” was explored during Bluffton University’s spring 2022 Spiritual Life Week, held March 14-18, 2022. Students considered their vocations within a context of Christian vocation with Kathy Dickson ’03, Spiritual Life Week guest speaker and director of vocational discernment and community engagement at Methodist Theological School of Ohio. To guide them, students reflected on the scripture 1 Samuel 3:10b “Speak Lord, for your servant is listening,” which was chosen by a student planning committee.

Bluffton University will host a Vocal Chamber and Jazz Ensemble concert from 2:30-4:30 p.m. on Sunday, April 3, in Yoder Recital Hall.

Under the direction of Dr. Bo Young Kang, the concert vocalists will perform a variety of songs from musicals including “Rent” and “The Count of Monte Cristo.” A capella selections from the animated movie “Zootopia” will also be featured.

The Pandora United Methodist Church Choir will present the Easter Cantata "Behold the Lamb" at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday, April 10 during the worship service. The choir is directed by Pat Basinger.  


Refreshments will be served in the fellowship hall following the service. Both are open to the public. 


The church is located on State Route 12 at 108 E Washington St. in Pandora. 
