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Pandora's Riley Creek Festival is Friday and Saturday, Aug. 12-13. Events on Friday include a car show, outdoor movie, food and carnival games.

Saturday's events include a 10 a.m. parade, breakfast and lunch, chicken barbecue, health fair, performers, punt, pass and kick contest for youth, a 3 p.m. auction an activities for children.

The festival schedule follows:

Friday, Aug. 12

The Icon spotted this "Air Force" plate at the August meeting of the Bluffton American Legion Post meeting.

PHOTO ID: front from left: Julia Szabo, Jayne McGarrity; back: Jeremy Szabo, Linda Sycks

The double duet, "Du wahrer Gott und Davids Sohn" (You true God and son of David), from Bach's Cantata 23 will be performed at the Bluffton Presbyterian Church Sunday, Aug. 14 at the 10:15 worship service.

The cantata is one of two pieces which Bach submitted for an audition to become cantor for St. Thomas' Church in Leipzig in 1723. The double duet consists of two oboe parts played along with two treble voices, plus a continuo.

Jan Basinger, Bluffton EMS chief, provided the July EMS docket.

A rusty color

Water from a Grove Street hydrant pours into the street. Notice the rust color of the water, which indicates problems residents in several neighborhoods in the village experience.

The annual Beaverdam-Richland Fire Department and EMS fall festival is Saturday, Aug. 13, in downtown Beaverdam. The event is a fund-raiser for the department.

Activities get underway at 4 p.m. This year's festival includes a live band, lots of homemade food and ice cream.

Raffle tickets are available from fire and EMS members for several prizes given away during the evening. This year's grand prizes include:
oSimplicity snowblower
oFlat screen TV
oOne-quarter side of beef
oPlus many more prizes
