All Bluffton Icon News

Care to take a night time shower? Tonight and Friday night are your best nights this summer.

The perseid meteor shower, a night time sky show is the featured movie of the skies.The Perseids will rise gradually to their August 13 peak. Between now and August 13, the meteors will be flying.

Here are some website for more information:

St. John's United Church of Christ recently held their summer ice cream social. If you didn't attend, our photo gallery shows you the wide selection of pies that you missed. Donald Rock shared these photos of the event with The Icon.


Mennonite Memorial Home, 410 W. Elm St., invites the public to its annual community "Concert on the Lawn", Sunday, Aug. 14, from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.

"Come and enjoy the Caribbean music of Pantasia steel drum band from Findlay High School. Since its inception in the spring of 1997, Pantasia has garnered an impressive reputation as an educational and entertaining instrumental music ensemble," said Julie Stratton of Mennonite Home Communities of Ohio.

St. Carol Inkrott

Sunday, Aug. 14, will be a very special day for Sister Carol Inkrott of St. Mary's Catholic Church. The event commemorates her - golden jubilee - 50th year as a sister of St. Francis of Tiffin, Ohio.

As pastoral leader of St. Mary's Catholic Church for the past 10 years, she says that the celebration enables her to reflect on how good God has been to her. "I'm a different person because of it," she reflected in an interview with The Icon earlier this week.

15 minutes with Matt Steinmetz

What year did you graduate from Bluffton High School?

I graduated from BHS in 2002.

Where are you living now and what is your occupation? You don't happen to own the tattoo parlor in Columbus were all the football players hang out, do you?

My wife and I are living in Columbus, where she attends OSU and I teach middle school Spanish for Columbus City Schools. The tattoo parlor is not mine, but I have been trading the players guitar lessons for old helmets.

Stratton Auto Sales and Main Street Rentals, 220 N. Main St., Bluffton, has extended its summer air conditioning special offer through Aug. 31.

The special offer provides for a recharge of your vehicle's air conditioning, which includes evacuate and recharge the system for only $39.95. Freon is extra.

An Icon coupon to obtain this special price is an attachment at the bottom of this story. It is printer-friendly.

Stratton Auto's phone number is 419-358-1110.
