All Bluffton Icon News

Bluffton council covered lots of ground in Monday's brief 35-minute council session. Water lines, sewer lines, annexation, golf carts and ash trees were among topics discussed.

Water lines

Jamie Mehaffie, village administrator, reported that he met with Choice One Engineering on Aug. 4. The meeting reviewed the preliminary layout plans for the Grove, Lawn and Jackson Street waterline replacement project.

In preparation for the 2011-12 school year, parents and students are encouraged to attend Apollo Career Center's Parent-Student Orientation, Thursday, Aug. 25, between 1-4 p.m. or 5:30-8 p.m.

Parents and students may visit labs, meet with teachers, pay for fees, books and tools, and tour the building.

Apollo will have staggered start dates again this year. First day of school for juniors is Monday, Aug. 29, and first day for seniors is Tuesday, Aug. 30. For more information call 419.998.2908.

The 2011-12 Apollo calendar is an attachment to this story.

A new Bobcat 52-inch zero turn mower (donated by Gary's Repair), is among items on the auction block Saturday in Pandora.

The auction is part of Pandora's Riley Creek Festival. The auction takes place at 3 p.m. in the Health Care Tent in the Pandora Park.

Many items, donated by Pandora area businesses, are also part of the auction.

Todd and Don Basinger are the auctioneers. All proceeds from the auction benefit the Riley Creek Festival.

Concerning the world's longest garage sale that took place this past weekend. (Lincoln Highway garage sale). Here's an interesting note from Gary Crafis of Beaverdam, reporting on the event:

Thanks again for listing our garage sale on the icon this past weekend. The past two years we have put up a map and asked the garage- salers where they live, and highlighted their town.

Senior high youth of First Mennonite Church are collecting ink and toner cartridges for recycling at Cartridge World during the 2011-12 school yar.

For each ink jet cartridge turned in the youth receive $1. For each toner cartridge turned in the youth receive $3. Cartridges may be placed in a blue and yellow box outside the church office.

The water's fine

Swim lessons continue this month at the Bluffton Community Swimming Pool. Here a swimmer in the 4-6 year-old class comes up after a jump in the pool.
