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The S.H.A.N.N.O.N. Service club is seeking funds to sponsor the American flags that line Main Street in Bluffton, according to Duane Bollenbacher of the club.

The purchase of flags is open to businesses, organizations and individuals. For $25 per flag, you can be the sponsor a flag. In addition, for each flagyou sponsor, you may name someone who you wish to honor or memorialize.

All profits from this project by the S.H.A.N.N.O.N. Service Club will be used locally to help support community activities, projects, families in need, schools and other organizations.

Just a precaution

It's just precautionary. Sand bags stand at alert in several Bluffton neighborhoods along Riley Creek tonight. These bags are in front of the Village Cut 'n' Curl, just west of the bridge on Cherry Street.

Retiring Bluffton Mayor Fred Rodabaugh is being honored this Arbor Day by the Bluffton Tree Commission.

The Bluffton Tree Commission will hold an Arbor Day tree planting at 10 a.m., Saturday, April 30, in the rear of the town hall property.

The commission will plant a flowering cherry tree, selected for the occasion by the mayor. The program is open to the public.

Recognizing an individual with a special tree is one of the ways the Bluffton Tree Commission has commemorated Arbor Day in recent years.

Visitors' guide cover

"Welcome to Bluffton. You'll find Bluffton offers many features of larger communities, but hasn't lost its small-town charm."

With that statement, Bluffton welcomes visitors to our community through the first-ever Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce visitors' guide.

Major distribution of the guides takes place this week. The guide, which is free, has been a project of the chamber for over one year. The guide is designed to cover the years 2011 and 2012. Twenty-five thousand copies were printed.

Attached at the bottom of this story is a pdf of the May and June field schedule as of April 27.

It will be changing as these three days of cancelled games are rescheduled.

Several activities are planned in May at the Bluffton Senior Citizens Center, 132 N. Main St., Bluffton.

A copy of the May newsletter is a attached at the bottom of this story.

One in a Number, a Bluffton women's chorus, will perform during the Center's 6 p.m., Monday, May 9, dinner meeting. The meal is catered by the Mt. Cory United Methodist Church.

A blood pressure clinic is from 10:30 a.m. to noon, Wednesday, May 4. A nurse from Ameri Care will check blood pressures.
