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The Ohio Department of Transportation - Northwest Ohio District 1 reported in Hancock County that Interstate 75 northbound was closed beyond State Route 235 due to a crash involving multiple vehicles.

At the time, it was advised to avoid the area on your morning commute. Check for updates.

Chrissy Lugibihl and Janette Reineke get creative when they announce monthly window displays at the Et Cetera thrift shop, 327 N. Main, via video. The latest is "START WITH ART!"

Items in the previous display will be for sale Friday, October 21 at 1:00 p.m. 

Their mesage also includes "Thank you for supporting your local MCC Thrift Shop!"

Bluffton University will host “Inspiration and Innovation,” an Ohio Ceramic Invitational exhibition including works by Curtis Benzele, Kristina Bogdanov, William Brouillard, Bruce Chesser, Scott Dooley, Michael High, Beth Lindenberger, Mark Nafziger and Joy Noriega.

The show will be on display October 24-December 11 at the Sauder Visual Arts Center’s Grace Albrecht Gallery, located off Spring St. north from College Ave. Gallery hours are 9:00 a.m-5:00 p.m. on weekdays and 1:00-5:00 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays.

At the October 10 council meeting, Assistant Village Administrator Bryan Lloyd announced that leaf pickup crews will begin work on October 24.

This will allow for cleanup in advance of  Trick or Treat night (October 27 from 6-7:30 p.m.)

Leaf pickup runs for 4-6 weeks. Residents should create long piles of leaves on the tree lawn with no sticks or other debris.

The Lima-Allen County Safe Community Coalition reports there were 3 (three) fatal traffic crashes on Allen County roadways during the month of September 2022 for a total of 9 fatalities this year.

Last year (2021) 11 fatal crashes resulting in 12 fatalities were reported through the month of September 2021. 

The attached tables represent fatal crashes in Allen County for the entire year of 2022.

Results of July online survey below; final poll HERE

Couldn't make it to the October 19 Community Engagement Open House at Bluffton Middle School? There is now an online version of the dot polls and poster questions from this event.
