The October 19 Bluffton Beyond Tormorrow community engagement event attracted a steady stream of Bluffton residents who participated in dot polls and noted their ideas and opinions on large posters. An online version is at, open until November 9.
If you met author Barbara Lockard during the years she worked in Bluffton for Mennonite Home Communities of Ohio, you might not even know that she is a writer. You might not know that she is wickedly funny–and I don’t mean that in a Halloween sense.
But you will have your chance if you come to hear Lockard and her sister Karen Striet at noon on Tuesday, October 25 at the Bluffton Public Library. A resident of Findlay, Lockard spent the first year of the COVID andemic writing on her blog, “Old and Slow and Turning White.” I’ve laughed aloud many, many times at the memories–often fond and always cynical–that Lockard writes about.
Three Bluffton High School seniors and one junior from the league title team earned first team All-Northwest Conference boys soccer honors in voting recently conducted by the league coaches.
Seniors Eden Antrim, Justin Good and Nolan Hoffman made first team All-NWC, along with junior Pirate teammate Kyle Basil.
Junior Ben Hartzler made second team all-league, as did seniors Luke Shepherd and Ethan Oglesbee.
Junior Theo Andreas made honorable mention all-league.
Bluffton High School senior Sami Scoles of league champion Bluffton girls soccer team was voted Northwest Conference Player of the Year in voting recently conducted by the league coaches.
Bluffton mentor Jamie Mehaffie was named NWC Coach of the Year after leading the team to a 6-0 league mark and 14-2 overall record.
Senior keeper Julia Mehaffie, senior scorer Allison Diller and senior Riley Eachus of Bluffton also joined Scoles on the all-league first team.